Tuesday, 26 October 2010

:laundry bags:

As my mum is in hospital at the moment, plastic bags for dirty washing was just not going to happen!!!

I made her these...

Two simple draw string bags, fabric from Ikea..


  1. Lovely choice of fabric for your laundry bags. Great that you can cheer yourself up by doing something creative.

  2. Oh these are so nice and very sophisticated looking. Hope your mom recovers quickly. -kb

  3. Nice bags Tanya! I bet your mum appreciates them (Kind of like flowers that keep on lasting, instead of withering up!)
    Hope your mum is better soon - it can be quite an upheaval when one of your parents aren't well. Praying she does :)

  4. love love love~! your very creative but very practical creativity!
    The bags, the bathroom mats - love them!

    Thanks for visiting my spot - the nametags came from Cash's http://www.nametapes.com.au as it was the least $$ for a few labels - some of them minimum order 500!

    Happy washingses of the bagged items! Get well soon to yo mama

  5. She will really appreciate having such lovely laundry bags and a very thoughtful daughter too. I hope your Mum gets better soon.

  6. They are much nicer than plastic bags!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love reading them and try to answer each and everyone.Tanya